Chamber Music in the Schools

Chamber Music in the Schools (CMITS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to provide live, high-quality chamber music experience to the students in their classrooms. CMITS was founded by philanthropist Gordon A. Cooper in 1999. Since the first concert, thousand of students hear the finest musicians in Vancouver perform LIVE in their classrooms, from Mozart to The Beatles. Each performance is enhanced with an educational component tailored to the academic level of the audience. CMITS offers presentations in English et en français. More than ever, music education must be encouraged and supported. Nothing compares to a LIVE MUSIC EXPERIENCE. CMITS is committed to serve this purpose.
What a roller coaster!
After planning few live concerts for Winter 2022, Omicron directed us to return to virtual presentations!
But as of March 1, CMITS is planning, with every protocol indicated by the BC PHO, to present LIVE and VIRTUAL concerts for the Camelli String Quartet and the AdMare Wind quintet! Whichever you opt for, remember that our concerts and presentations are offered in English and French.
If you would like a live or virtual chamber music concert for your school or your class, act now! There are only few weeks left (yes! 16 weeks before the Summer Break…..!!!)!
For more information, please contact
Chamber Music in the Schools wants to salute our generous contributors: Cooper Fund for Chamber Music, Heathcliff Foundation, R&J Stern Family Foundation. CMITS and all students in British Columbia are forever grateful for your vision and generosity.